Te Whare Āhuru is the name of the Massey High School Te Reo Māori Bilingual Summit Programme. The programme is designed to help empower our rangatahi within an environment based on the core values of our Māori culture. Manaakitanga (Caring for one another), Rangatiratanga (leadership), Whanaungatanga (Relationship based learning), Tūturutanga (Authenticity), and Whanaketanga (Development), are cornerstones of our culture. Te Reo Māori, Mātauranga Māori, Te Ao Māori and Tikanga Māori are vehicles that will help to strengthen these uara (values).
This kaupapa will enhance the achievement of our tauira while also keeping the mauri (life force) of their culture alive. Through this programme our tauira will go out into the world to seek the very pinnacle of their dreams and aspirations, while also being grounded in Te Ao Māori. As Te Whare Āhuru is a summit programme there are key elements that tauira, whanau and kaiako must fulfil in order for our rangatahi to succeed.
Entry requirements:
- Students must take Te Reo Māori from Year 9 to Year 13
- A desire and willingness to learn, grow, and follow a Māori Medium Educational Pathway
- Students are expected to participate and actively engage in all Te Whare Āhuru obligations. E.g Pōwhiri, whakatau, karanga, whai korero, mahi o te Marae, waiata/haka tautoko, etc.
- Whānau attend whānau hui once a term
- Attendance 95% and over
- Must adhere to all Massey High School rules and procedures
Applicants must also provide a record of academic success from their previous school. This should include a letter of recommendation and copies of school reports. Successful applicants are expected to maintain a positive record of learning and achievement, attitude and behaviour. These expectations are monitored throughout the programme.
The programme consists of kaupapa (subjects) such as Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Tikanga-ā-iwi, Hauora and Ngā Toi (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health, and The Arts) that is taught in a bilingual context. This is in conjunction with available staff that can teach with a bilingual focus
Application forms for Te Whare Āhuru are available upon enrolment at Massey High School. Please attach letters of recommendation and recent school reports to the application when it is submitted. Enrolments are taken year round. All applicants will be interviewed.
Once we received your application for Te Whare Āhuru, a representative of Te Whare Āhuru will organise a time and date for an interview between whānau, the student and staff. We also invite any extended whānau or support to your interview. We will see you all then.