Surname | First Name | Main Department | Code |
Bentley | Karen | PA to Senior Leadership/Enrolment and International Administrator | KBY |
Beswick | Robert | Achievement Centre Tutor | RBE |
Chen | Shiman | Teacher Aide | SCH |
Curtis | Elaine | Principal’s P.A. | ECU |
Delailomaloma | Nelson | Tutor – Achievement Centre | NDE |
Doyle | Jeanette | School Nurse | JDO |
Faimanatu | Danielle | Teacher Aide | DFA |
Fale | Samoa | Careers Advisor | SFA |
Fasitu’a | Grace | Non-Teaching Dean | GFU |
Frater | Tina | Science Technician | CFR |
Greaves | Elise | Lead School Nurse | EGR |
Griffin | Julie | Receptionist | JGR |
Hancy | Lydia | Library Assistant | LHA |
Hargraves | Stephanie | Teacher Aide/Receptionist – Careers | SHA |
Harron | Rachel | School Nurse | RHA |
Head | Sharon | Student Data Admin | SHE |
Jackson | Noelene | Teacher Aide – Focus Learning | NJA |
Jones | Scott | Non-Teaching Dean / Academy Student Support | SJO |
Kalolo | Victor | Non-Teaching Dean | VKO |
Keen | Lisa | Accounts Office Assistant | LKE |
King | Tony | Property Manager | TKI |
Lile | Trena | Library Manager | TLI |
Linn | Debbie | Attendance Administrator | DLI |
Luscombe | Litia | Teacher Aide – Focus Learning | LLU |
Marshall | Jenny | Kaiawhina | JMA |
Maughan | Allan | Teacher Aide – Hard Materials | AMA |
McElroy | Sue | Arts Co-ordinator / Fabric Technician | SMC |
McIvor | Carol | Teacher Aide – Gateway | MCI |
Miles | Carol | Novopay / Accounts / Secretarial Support | CMI |
North | Anna | Administration Assistant/Website Administrator | ANO |
Padayachee | Lorette | Teacher Aide | PAD |
Pisi | George | Non-Teaching Dean | ZGPI |
Potaka | Rachel | Teacher Aide – Focus Learning | RPO |
Rylands | Adam | IT Manager | ARY |
Saelman | Marion | Teacher Resource Support | MSA |
Simmons | Georgie | Sports Co-Ordinator | GSI |
Simpson | Shannon | Teacher Aide | SSI |
Soon | Jin | Teacher Aide – ESOL | JSN |
Spearing | Claire | Accounts Office Manager | CSP |
Toko | Duwayne | Non-Teaching Dean | TKO |
Tuivaiti | Faavaefou (Fou) | Check and Connect Mentor | FTU |
Willis | Gayle | Teacher Aide – Food & Fabric | GWI |
Witehira | Nikola | Director of Sport | NWI |
Yao | Miao (Ian) | Teacher Aide | MYA |