Parent/Caregiver Contact Details
Are your contact details up to date?
We are preparing for our end of year "mail out" that will include important information for the start of 2023.
As you may be aware our main form of communication is via email, however during the year we occasionally post letters and other important information. It is important that we have your correct phone number and email as well as postal and physical addresses on file.
If you have not been receiving our weekly newsletters there is a good chance your details will need to be amended.
To make changes to your contact information we ask that you please phone Mrs Head on 831 0500 ext 524 or email.
Please also ensure we have up to date information of your emergency contact numbers and advise us if these change. These numbers are important to have on file in case we cannot contact caregivers and a child is sick or has had an accident and we need to contact someone.