Careers and Gateway Notices 2023

News and Events from our Careers Department.

Did you know the Careers Department have a website? If you subscribe to our page you will receive a weekly newsletter during term time of all the up-to-date news, events and information available to students.  

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Sixty-three Year 13 students attended AUT Campus on the 8th of June where they got to experience the campus and some of what AUT has to offer. Students participated in workshops including Garbology (look at a person’s rubbish and decide who you think that person is based on products they use then come up with a product to help them in their day to day life) and an Engineering workshop (create a paper tower out of 15 sheets paper and a roll of tape, then a tennis ball would be placed on the top of the tower to see if it could withstand being held by paper alone). Students competed in a smaller version of the Amazing Race looking for AUT campus landmarks. Overall, it was a very fun, rewarding day with lots of positive feedback from our students. We would like to thank our wonderful student liaison staff at AUT lead by Sid Yata for providing our students with this awesome opportunity.

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Massey High School’s Gateway Programme for 2023 is underway. 

Five students began training as Red Shirts at The Warehouse Westgate last week and with the help and guidance of Service IQ, they will spend each Tuesday for the next 5 weeks being trained in a wide range of retail areas by the end of the 5 weeks they will achieve 23 level 2 credits!

Gateway have some spots available in other industries, so if you would like to be a part of this awesome programme, please contact Mrs McIvor for more information.

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