Arts Notices 2023

News and Events from our Arts Department.

Soiree 2
The Massey High School Music Soiree, scheduled for 26 June was postponed due to PPTA Strike Action.  A new date has been set for 28 August 2023 and tickets are on sale NOW!  

Visit for tickets.

Mamma Mia!

On the 17th-21st July, Massey High School had their bi-annual production. This year, the show was Mamma Mia! The show was a great hit, with the cast performing for 700 of our primary and intermediate schools over the Monday and Tuesday and to a sellout crowd on the Friday night.

Lead by Ella Fletcher, Neesha Davis and Malachi Mohenoa, the cast sung and danced their way through hits, such as ‘Dancing Queen,’ ‘Mamma Mia!’ and ‘Waterloo.’ The atmosphere of the show was created by having a live band. Our music students demonstrated their immense talent as the score for Mamma Mia! is challenging at best, and the performed it effortlessly.

Mamma Mia! is the first production that Massey High has put on since 2020 and it is only fitting that the first show that comes back home to Massey High is a show that emphasises the values of finding your family, building your home, and realising your dreams. 

Behind the scenes, the show was student run. Students learnt how to run sound for a musical and program a sound desk, run lighting to specific cues, hook up and maintain radio microphones, mix band and vocal levels as well as crew and stage manage a production.

Mamma Mia! is a truly special show. The music fills your soul and leaves you dancing in the isle or sobbing in your seats. The cast was phenomenal, they consistently pushed themselves in rehearsals and on stage. The high calibre of the performance is a testament to their hard mahi and the fun they had putting it on. 

A special thanks to Jo Pilkington at First Scene costume hire for her sponsorship on the set and costumes. 

We would like to thank you, the audience, for your love and support, we could not have done this without you.

Click images below to view larger version.

Mamma Mia Pho1-Mamma Mia Pho 2-Mamma Mia Photo 3-Mamma Mia Photo 4

Sublimitas - Gala Performance Winners 2023

On Tuesday 20th June, Massey High School choir 'Sublimitas' attended the Big Sing choral competition at the Auckland Town Hall.

They performed a set of three songs for the competition that afternoon and we will find out later this week how they went for this competition.

The choir also performed at the Gala concert that evening with all the other choirs that competed that day. Each choir performs one song selected by the judges from there three song set. 

We are very proud of Sublimitas as they won the Gala Performance Award that evening for their song 'Aya Ngena' a Zulu folksong. Their performance was judged the best and most entertaining of all the choirs that evening.

Thanks go out to choir director, Ms Clare Martin and Iggy Palmero Epstein for his saxophone solo in 'Aya Ngena'. The choir is led by Kenneth Li (Bass section leader) and Tanzeela Ali (Soprano section leader) along with support from Tiki Iti Atkinson (Tenor section leader) and Neesha Davis (Alto section leader). 

Congratulations Sublimitas!

Arts Exhibition
Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre Visit

On Wednesday the 24th of May, Joshua Richardson, Devon Matich and Cameron Lile had the opportunity to visit Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre, Aotea Centre and take part in a backstage tour and theatre lighting workshop for the NZ Opera production of 'Cosi Fan Tutte.'  

The students had a fabulous time and have been invited back by NZ Opera for more workshops in the future.

A big thank you to Francis Moore at NZ Opera for hosting our students.


Massey Dance Crew (MDC)

Massey Dance Crew had the opportunity to compete in the Hip-hop national championships against crew such as ID company, DANZA and many more. 

During the holidays they competed in Junior Varsity Mega Crew placing 4th and qualified to go to represent NEW Zealand at HHI. 

Hip-Hop international is the world’s most celebrated dance event. Over four thousand of the world’s best dancers come together for the World Hip Hop Dance Championship, an event true to the real values of hip hop culture. 

Due to HHI being held in July and therefore being a quick turnover, we have decided to not attend this year and to focus on qualifying again next year and representing Massey High School and New Zealand in 2024.


Mamma Mia! - School Production 2023
When: 19, 20 and 21 July 2023
Where: Bruce Ritchie Performing Arts Centre
Tickets on sale here - eTicket Events 1 May 2023 at 2.00pm and