Academy Showcase 2023

Celebrating our Academy Students’ Successes in 2023.

We will be holding our 2023 Academy Showcase in the Bruce Ritchie Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday 25th October, (doors open 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start). 

The night will start with a short media insight into the academies of 2023, (put together by our students) and a report back from our two Gold Badge Prefects, Jade Bench and Donte Skinner-Lauti about their experiences this year.

We will then hear from each tutor and celebrate the students who have completed their courses. Each student will receive a course completion certificate. There will also be special prizes and trophies awarded to winners in each academy. 

Our Academy Gold Badge Prefects Jade Bench and Donte Skinner-Lauti will host the show. 

We really look forward to seeing all our Academy students and whanau there for a very special night.

All welcome.