The Road to Gold Coast...

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Craig Walker - Craig Walker Building Removals Limited for his enormous generosity with the Netball Fundraiser Carwash last weekend.  

To the netball teams and their Whānau for their mahi and help over the day and to Mrs Curtis for her organisation of the event.  Without you all this would not have been possible.

Further thanks go out to the amazing community for their incredible support that didn't stop from opening time through to the very end of the day. 


Thank you to all those that supported the Massey High School Netball Gold Coast fundraising raffle.

We drew the raffle on Friday and the results were:

  • 1st Prize –  Mrs Gaye Wotherspoon – Gift Basket to the value of $250.00
  • 2nd Prize – Mr Paul Simei-Barton – Gift Basket to the value of $250.00
  • 3rd Prize – Ms Lisa Keen - $100 Countdown voucher