Principal's Pānui

19 September 2024

Our Senior School Exams come to a close today and it has been good to see the turnout for these. The proof of the pudding though is in the eating, so it is the results of these exams (and what students do in response to these results) that is the most important factor.

With one week of the term left, it is vital that our senior students make the most of the time available to reflect on their results – celebrate where they did well and develop plans for improvement where needed. Aside from the generation of evidence for derived grades (if needed), these exams also provide useful milestones for students, confirming what they do and don’t know. As mentioned in the last Panui, students have time – but they must use it wisely. Failure in an area is not an indication of failure in the future, it is an early warning indicating that more work is needed. All students are capable of success should they choose to put in the effort and lean into the support offered.

Further information will be forthcoming regarding what the end of year arrangements will look like for our senior students (Years 11 through13) – in particular, what study leave looks like and when that will begin for each student.

Release for study leave will depend on each student. The priority before any senior student leaves for study is the completion of all applicable Achievement Standards.

All senior students will receive details of such Achievement Standards next week, with a descriptor of the work required. Many students will be able to complete this work over the upcoming holiday period.

Submission of outstanding work will be considered early next term when individual timetables are generated for each senior student. These timetables are designed to ensure that each student has every chance of submitting work. 

On completion of applicable Achievement Standards, each student will then be signed off as being eligible for study leave.

All correspondence concerning yet to be completed work and custom timetables will be copied to parents/caregivers as well.

Monday 23rd September

With the completion of our Senior School Exams, a reminder that Monday is a teacher only day.

Student Leadership

Some may have seen our social media announcing the election to the Board of Saphira Walder. Saphira, who will be attending the next Board meeting, is well equipped to continue the great work of outgoing Board rep Ada Kim. Congratulations Saphira.

Next Thursday will see our applicants for Head Prefect present their vision for the role to Year 12. These applicants have made it through the first part of the process, with the speeches being stage 3. Following these speeches myself and the SLT will shorten the list further, with panel interviews taking place early next term.

A reminder, that any applicant that does not make it through to subsequent stages of the process is still eligible for other student leadership roles that they have applied for.

As we move into the last week of term, I would ask that all students remember the high expectations that are in place at our school – for effort, uniform, attendance, and behaviour – and finish the term strong. A reminder as well of the continuing ‘phones away for the day' which is in place – away for the day means in bags, not pockets.