Kindo Accounts for School Leavers
If your family is leaving our school and has been using Kindo, please make sure to stop any regular automatic payments that have been set up before the school year finishes.
You may also need to transfer or close your account which can be done as follows:
- Not sure if your new school is using Kindo? If you’re not sure if your new school is using Kindo, you can either ask them directly or go to “My Details” in your Kindo account and click on the list of schools to see if your new school is listed.
- New school IS using Kindo. If your new school is using Kindo, simply click on the new school from the list in “My Details” of your Kindo account and you’ll be attached to the new school’s menu. Any balance on your Kindo account will remain available to spend with the new school.
- New school is NOT using Kindo, or you no longer need Kindo. If you need to close your Kindo account, use the “Close Kind Account” button within the “My Details” section of your Kindo account. You can either withdraw your account balance or choose to donate your balance to the school. Please note that all withdrawals will be made via electronic payment to your New Zealand bank account. Kindo is unable to process cash withdrawals.