Entering School Grounds
Please take the time to read this article regarding entering school grounds.
A reminder that school starts each day with Hui Arotahi. Our expectation is that students are prepared and ready to enter their tutor class/BRPAC for the start of Hui Arotahi at 8.40am. Realistically, students should be through the school gates by 8.35am to allow them to get to class on time.
For those students that arrive after 8.40am, we remind you that they are signed in as being late by Deans on the school gate – the reason for lateness is also logged at this time. Students are then sent directly to Hui Arotahi. Teachers can check that students were signed in by using KAMAR.
Students arriving after 9am will need to report to the Attendance office – with a note explaining why they are late.
Please note, for Health & Safety Reasons, no parent/caregiver vehicles are able to enter the school grounds.
If you wish to collect your children from school, please arrange to collect them after 3:20pm. Before that priority is given to buses.