Provincial Education NZ - Pōwhiri
Our ākonga from Te Rōpū Taiohi Tātaki conducted a Mihi Whakatau as representatives of Mana Whenua, Ngāti Whātua, at a conference for the Early Childhood Education Group, Provincial Education New Zealand. The conference group gave incredible feedback about the way our rangatahi conducted themselves at the event. The 100 manuhiri were captivated and moved by the kapa haka group’s mōteatea moving some visitors to tears of appreciation. Matua Hone Tobin and Mr Warriner spoke at the event, stating the significance of having strong, passionate and culturally responsive leaders in the early childhood sector is so important, and that their current work is a result of the “rangatahi that are standing before them”, letting them know that our amazing students are a result of their amazing work.