Taiohi Tataki Massey High School Polyfest
Tēnā koutou katoa e ngā Rangatira mā.
Massey High School Māori Performing Arts at its very best.
Te Roopū Taiohi Tātaki (the Massey High School Kapa Haka Group) are excited to invite you to their kapa haka performance on Wednesday 11 May 2022.
Students would have performed this set at Polyfest 2022. This event is also going to be used to assess our students for Māori Performing Arts achievement standards.
Location: The Bruce Ritchie Performing Arts Centre.
Date: Wednesday 11 May 2022.
Timings: 5.45pm arrival for a 6pm start.
7pm finish.
Manaakitanga: Hangi will be provided. It will be pre-packed and can be collected after the performance to be taken away with you.
Please let us know how many people will be attending from your whānau so that we can plan to have enough food for everyone.
Send your number (of people attending) and whānau name no later than Monday 9 May 2022 to [email protected]
Printed copies of the performance items will be available for a gold coin donation.
Please join us! We look forward to hosting you soon.